Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Here I go again.....

Ok, here I am adding to this, so I guess thats a good sign? Lol! Anyway, the car cruise went great! Fran and I had a good time, we had beautiful weather and a lot of fun. Now the cold weather has moved in. I hate cold weather and it isn't even cold out yet. Brrr.... I am so ready for next summer. Oh well, at least I get to head to cancun at the end of Oct so that will be a relief.
Anyway, I went and saw that new movie Surrogates. I liked it and will definetly watch it again. I don't think it was as good as iRobot, but it was very watchable. It makes you think about what you would do if you could control a robot to live out your life instead of you actually having to do everything yourself. I could sure think of some things where this would be very handy. I know it would sure change the world of sports. But Bruce Willis did a pretty decent job in this movie, it was a different role for him and he did a good job of playing a FBI agent displaying some relationship issues while realizing that himself has lost touch with humanity.

Well, thanks about enough for now, cya later!

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