Thursday, September 24, 2009

And Here We Go!!!

Well, this is my first blog post, so we will see how long it lasts and how often I write something. For how much time I spend with computers so people would be surprised that I don't have a blog.

So lets sum up a few things about me for 2009 and before....

I was married and I am now divorced, which is a good thing. I nevered realized how unhappy I was until we finally got the divorced finallized. I know its weird, but I am glad she started cheating on me and we are now going our seperate ways. Don't get me wrong, times were tuff and I had some really, really low spots I hit, but it allowed me to discover myself again and get back to my fun and happy person I really am!

I am now engaged and have never truely been happier! Fran and I had become such good freinds that I never thought we would actually get together and get along so well.

So you must be wondering when our big date is? Well, we haven't got one yet. We would like to get married in the Catholic church for Fran and her family and since I was married before, well, the church doesn't like that. So we found out I have to go through an church annullement process and it is taking longer than we hoped. We were shooting to be married in May of '10, but that won't happen now. I am still waiting for the annullement to be finished......I am hoping it will be done before the end of the year. Yes, I know it sounds like a very simple process, but it does take a lot of work and a bunch of paperwork!! Trust me, took me about a weekd to get the first part of it filled out.

So if there are any divorced people out there that read this, My word of advice is to go to a catholic church and get an annulement! It doesn't matter if you aren't catholic, I am not catholic, but if you find a catholic to marry, then it will matter to you.

Other than that I don't think I have much more to write about for right now......I am excited about driving my car in the car show parade for the internation mother-road festivel that is taking place this weekend in Springfield. So if your a local, come check out the parade around 6 pm and give me a wave!! I will be in a red Mini Cooper S convertible.....probably be the only one there.....or least thats what I hope for.

Oh yeah, forgot to add I got a Chihuahua puppy for my birthday this year and I just love her to death....Her name is Peaches and she is fiesty little dog. Yes I know what you all are thinking......why would a guy wanted a little girly dog, well I think little dogs are much more fun to play with, plus if they get on your nerves, you can just pick them up with one hand and put them in their cage!!! I never have to do that, but its nice knowing that I can....


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